Theology, mysticism, prayer
Books and media about the divine will

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Spiritual exercises on the Divine Will
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Language English: Spiritual exercises on the Divine Will for priests and laity
Fr. Pio Maria Ciampi House of spiritual exercises "Sorelle Faioli", Pesche (IS), Italy, November 2013 -
With kind permission for translation by Fr. Pio Ciampi
In these spiritual exercises the purpose and meaning of the writings of Luisa Piccarreta are disclosed on the basis of Church teaching, including the testimony of Pope Benedict XVI, the Catechism of the Catholic Church, the writings of Saints of the Church, and clarifications by Father Pio M. Ciampi. Luisa's writings describe in an extensive Catechesis nothing less than the fulfillment of the Lord's Prayer in our time. The Catholic community of believers founded by Father Pio Maria Ciampi: Fiat! Totus Tuus is based on the theology of the servant of God Luisa Piccarreta, which is expressed in a contemplative way in unity with the local bishop.
Information about the community Fiat! All of you

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Compendium of the writings of Luisa Piccarreta - hardback - hard cover
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- €29,00
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Language: German - The first compendium and church-approved presentation of the theology of Luisa's writings. 708 pages - newly proofread - hard cover -
The compendium in German contains an extensive compilation of excerpts from Luisa Piccarreta's writings in theological order, based on the schema of creation, redemption and sanctification contained in the writings. It allows the reader a deep introduction to living in the Divine Will. A short version of the ecclesiastically approved doctoral thesis on the theology of the scriptures, the first of its kind, by Fr. Joseph Iannuzzi Ph.D, OSJ allows a theologically structured knowledge of the gift of life in the Divine Will. Further explanations in question and answer form, taken from the doctoral thesis, on central themes of the writings illuminate the theology of the Divine Will in great detail. - Hardcover translation and editing: St. Hannibal di Francia Study Group - 708 pages - newly proofread, information:

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Handbuch zur Theologie des göttlichen Willens - Teil 3
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- €17,50
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- €17,50
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Teil 3 des ‘Handbuchs zur Theologie des Göttlichen Willens’ erläutert thematisch gegliedert die Lehren über das Leben im Göttlichen Willen. Diese basieren auf der Doktorarbeit 'Die Gabe des Lebens im Göttlichen Willen in den Schriften von Luisa Piccarreta' von P. Dr. Joseph Iannuzzi, die 2013 von der Kirche genehmigt wurde. Anhand zahlreicher Textauszüge aus den Schriften von Luisa Piccarreta werden fundiert weitere zentrale Themen behandelt: die Tugenden im Göttlichen Willen, das Zeitalter des Friedens, die Wahrnehmung der Wirklichkeit nach Thomas von Aquin, das Verhältnis zwischen den moralischen und göttlichen Tugenden, die Kräfte der Seele, die in Gott wirken, die Ausübung göttlicher Tugenden sowie die geistliche Vermählung und Luisas Entwicklung. Darüber hinaus werden Themen wie die Einwohnung der Dreifaltigkeit in den Herzen der Gläubigen, die Kindschaft der Adoption und die Kindschaft des Besitzes, das Fiat der Heiligung und das Millennium der Einheit behandelt, ergänzt durch Hinweise von Papst Johannes XXIII., Johannes Paul II. und Benedikt XVI.
Theologisch lektorierte und gegliederte Übersetzung
Buch, Softcover, 224 Seiten